The end is near?

Posted on this is My Truth on 1 September

Is the long goodbye about to enter its final phase?

On 29th September Rhodri Morgan is 70 years old and it may well be the time the First Minister decides to trigger the much anticipated contest for the leadership of the Assembly's Labour group.

I understand the Prime Minister has been pressurising Rhodri to stay on, but the First Minister now feels he's done his bit.

With an autumn General Election no longer a possibility, no sign of a leadership challenge to Gordon Brown at the Party conference and the swine flu epidemic not yet reaching the 'pestulance' stage that could have required all hands on deck, there seems little reason to justify Rhodri Morgan delaying his retirement further.

He's shown remarkable stamina for a man of his age and now deserves to spend time with his grandchildren.

Who knows he may even decide to trigger a by-election in Cardiff West to coincide with next spring's General Election?

If he did, nobody could accuse him of not having had an honourable innings.


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