Vale says Yes

A great letter in the local press today from representatives of the four main parties calling for a Yes vote in the Vale:

On March 3rd next year there’ll be a referendum to decide if Wales deserves a stronger voice.

Over the last decade the Assembly has gradually grown in stature and confidence. But the system for making laws that affect Wales is slow and complicated.

A Yes vote will help take Wales forward by speeding up the system of decision making to allow Assembly Members to get on with the job.

For example, it has taken three years to get permission from London to ensure that all new homes are equipped with fire sprinklers to stop needless deaths in house fires. Even though our democratically elected Assembly had supported the proposal it first had to be approved by civil servants, members of the House of Lords and MPs before it could become law.

Time and money is being wasted jumping through needless hoops. Even though we are from different parties we have come together to stand united behind a simple principle – laws that only apply in Wales should be made in Wales.

That’s what the referendum on March 3rd is about and we need your help to get a Yes vote. Please support the cross-party campaign by looking online at and sign up to help


Jane Hutt AM (Labour),
Chris Franks AM (Plaid Cymru)
Andrew R T Davies AM (Conservative)
Eluned Parrot (Liberal Democrats)


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