The Fourth Industrial Revolution
Speech delivered to the National Assembly on 5th April 2017 I’m delighted to have tabled this debate today along with my colleagues Hefin David, Vikki Howells and Jeremy Miles and my friend David Melding. Genuinely delighted. Just, as we pressed last month, that we must do all we can to bolster the so-called Foundational economy, we must also look at the external trends that are set to change our lives, and our economies. We are in the early stages of a fourth industrial revolution - marked by our ability to combine digital technologies with physical and biological systems. Just as the first industrial revolution was brought about through our ability to harness steam power; the second by our capacity to generate electrical power - driving mass-production; and the third industrial revolution was prompted by the development of electronics and computers. This fourth industrial revolution sees machines, data, & algorithms becoming embedded into every aspect of o...